Google Keyword planner restricted for paid / active google adwords campaigns.

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Google Keyword planner restricted for paid / active google adwords campaigns.

It was very easy to use Google keyword planner for any SEO campaigns, but the free access of keyword planner now restricted to paid campaigns. We cannot get option to enter keyword tool window. It’s purely restricted now.
Last week I was trying to create a campaign but before I couldn’t get access to keyword list. I cannot optimize my site based on this keyword planner. I got some warning messages only.

This is really big change that affects all digital marketing companies but we can overcome it by running some paid campaigns. At last Google also trying to make up its loss, google start stopping free tool access now.

The main drawback we assuming are:

  • We can’t check keyword searches.
  • We can’t check wanted and unwanted keywords
  • We can’t easily optimize site using the same keywords

In any case, obviously this is focusing on SEOs – the individuals who utilize the Keyword Planner without Google getting any financial advantage from it or google increasing the number of active campaigns.
Restriction of keyword planner will effect negatively to SEO teams but the new feature or limited access will get more result in my view. Because running paid campaign will get more advantages.

Some noted Advantages of Restricted Google keyword planner access:

  • All features possible to access after running paid campaigns.
  • Will get automatic keyword ideas list based on business site.
  • We will get best keyword list from google.

Google will implement new changes any time. So we can expect many changes in existing tools in coming days.

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