5 min process for Paytm KYC verification

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5 min process for Paytm KYC verification

Online money transfer and advanced wallet experienced a change, from trend to key or inevitable part of life. Paytm now become India’s most popular payment wallet. PayTM started its operations in the year 2010, the ecommerce stores has now turned into a crucial piece of the online commercial center. Paytm wallet we can use for mobile charges, utility bill payments and can use all types of shopping too.

So as to maintain a strategic distance from fake exchanges and shield the enthusiasm of the clients, paytm ordered KYC refreshes for all clients. KYC – Know Your Customer. It is a personal verification with thumb impression and govt approved ID proof.

The process of KYC verification done by Pytm approved centres only, but its very simple and less than 5 mins task.

The verification process done through internet and other connected machines.

What all the requirements for the verification of KYC

  1. Aadhaar Card / Driving Licence
  2. Pan Card
  3. Your Mobile
  4. You have to go direct to press your finger

Aadar Card or Driving licence is the best proof of ID, but you cannot verify KYC with third party or through your relatives because verification will be done with finger press.

KYC verification completely free of cost, just bring your phone and Aadar card then visit nearest KYC verification centre to complete the process.


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